I've been thinking a lot about Gorsuch since my first post on the issue. In that time, my views have somewhat changed. And by "somewhat", I mean "very radically".
My initial opinion of Gorsuch and his nomination rested on the assumption that our system of government is still, in principle, hearty and hale. It may not be perfect, but it functions well enough that we can continue to work within it and maintain or increase the progress we have made towards true equity in our society. However, since Gorsuch's nomination, the world has continued to turn. Nominations have been made and confirmed. I have watched the system begin its slow regression toward a time of open hostility towards any folk considered different, other, not from around here.
In short, I now see the first tiny flames licking at the base of our democracy. And I am no longer inclined to fight them. This may be a transitionary phase, a mere vehicle for getting me from my initial post to some final conclusion on the state of our country that is less filled with flame and more buoyed by hope. But in the meantime, my stance is now decidedly one of destruction.
"When they go low, we go high." I've tried to use that as my rallying cry, but I just can't do it any longer. The satisfaction of holding the moral high ground doesn't help when all you can do is watch the world burn from your rosy vantage point. While I try to be happy with holding to the morals of modern democracy - morals of civility, calm, and equity - I watch as those same morals are trampled into dust by people who don't give a flying fuck about any of that shit. Civility? Why bother when it serves as nothing more than a soundbite? Calm? Nobody watches the news if things aren't burning down. Equity? Not if it means giving up the opportunity for folks already in the catbird seat to get just a little bit more.
This is the atmosphere in which I shout about kindness, and evenhandedness. But nobody hears, or if they do they just don't care. What does this have to do with Gorsuch? My initial position on his nomination was that we should go back to the way things were. We should treat him like any other nominee. We shouldn't be the harm that we raged against in the system. But where has that gotten us? It has gotten us on the bottom of a very rotten pile, and digging ourselves out is not guaranteed.
Filibuster Gorsuch. Refuse to meet with him. Stall the vote in every way possible. When he does come up for a vote, hold a sit-in. Vote no and publicly comment on the crap that was done to make him the nominee. Will it actually get us anything? Probably not. But why bother maintaining the illusion of democracy when there's nothing behind it?
The system has failed. It may be broken, irreparably so. How do we fix it? Not sure. I'm not there yet. But in the meantime, I'm happy to watch it burn.
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